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海外新闻稿撰写 纽约时代广场纳斯达克2023年广告代理 海外众筹项目代理海外众筹kickstarter海外众筹项目怎么做

发布时间:2023-04-07        浏览次数:23        返回列表
海外新闻稿撰写  纽约时代广场纳斯达克2023年广告代理  海外众筹项目代理海外众筹kickstarter海外众筹项目怎么做
纳斯达克大屏幕是一个非常理想的投放平台,因为它位于曼哈顿的时代广场,是一个世界的旅游胜地,每年吸引着数百万的游客和市民前来参观。下面是有关在纳斯达克大屏幕上进行投放的详细简介: 类型:纳斯达克大屏幕支持多种类型的,包括图像、、动画等。内容应符合当地法规和道德规范,不能涉及或违反道德和伦理。 时长:时长可以根据需要定制,通常从几秒钟到数分钟不等。 费用:投放费用根据的时长和投放位置而定,通常比较昂贵,但是也可以为品牌带来很高的曝光度和回报。 投放位置:纳斯达克大屏幕可以在不同的位置投放,例如在屏幕的顶部、底部、中间、左侧或右侧等位置。 投放时间:投放的时间可以根据需要定制,可以每天全天投放,或仅在特定时间段内进行投放,例如早上、下午或晚上等。 制作要求:制作需要符合大屏幕的分辨率和尺寸要求,制作人员需要有相关的技术和经验。 审核:所有在投放前需要经过纳斯达克的审核和批准,确保内容符合相关法规和纳斯达克的道德和伦理规范。 纳斯达克大屏幕投放是一种非常有效的营销策略,可以让品牌在范围内获得高曝光度和知名度。同时,投放也需要品牌投入足够的精力和资金来确保的制作和投放质量,以获得更好的效果。

Nasdaq Big Screen is an ideal advertising platform because it is located in Manhattan's Times Square, a world-famous tourist destination that attracts millions of tourists and citizens every year. Here's a breakdown of how to advertise on Nasdaq's big screen:
Types of ads: Nasdaq Big Screen ads support a variety of types of ads, including image ads, video ads, animated ads, and more. The content of advertisements should conform to local laws and ethics, and should not involve politics or violate morals and ethics.

AD duration: AD duration can be customized, usually ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes.

Advertising costs: Advertising costs vary according to the length and placement of the AD. They are usually expensive, but can also bring high exposure and returns to the brand.

AD placement: Nasdaq screens can place ads in different locations, such as the top, bottom, center, left or right side of the screen.

AD placement time: The AD placement time can be customized, either throughout the day or only during certain periods, such as morning, afternoon, or evening.

Advertising production requirements: Advertising production should meet the requirements of large screen resolution and size, production personnel should he relevant skills and experience.

Advertising Review: All advertisements are subject to review and approval by NASDAQ prior to placement to ensure that the content of advertisements complies with relevant regulations and NASDAQ's code of ethics and ethics.

Nasdaq big screen advertising is a very effective marketing strategy that allows brands to gain high exposure and awareness around the world. At the same time, advertising also requires brands to invest enough energy and funds to ensure the quality of advertising production and delivery, so as to obtain better results.

  • 地址:宜春市樟树市龙溪村委杜家E栋
  • 电话:18970567983
  • 手机:18970567983
  • 联系人:杨